Affiliate Marketing Tutorial For Beginners

Affiliate Marketing Tutorial for Beginners

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is an advertising model where a company pays compensation to third-party publishers to generate traffic or leads to the company’s products or services. The third-party publishers are referred as affiliates.

Which affiliate goes well?

Suppose, you have selected the article as the movies, so what you can do is have the affiliate link for the movie CD’s or movie books which the clients can purchase for the collections which are trending now and that will go really well. If you select the non relevant Ads then the movies placed on the website then, it might impact your business and will not go well.

Affiliate associates

Top 5 Indian affiliate programming sites:

  1. ResellerClub: It is one of the best reseller hosting comapany in India. As a ResellerClub affiliate, you can easily track each and every sale.
  2. Amazon India: It is the leader in Indian eCommerce. You can sign up for this affiliate program using your current Amazon account.
  3. Flipkart: It is one of the earliest eCommerce players in India. They have an established brand and trust in the mind of the Indian consumer.
  4. VComission: Its one of the earliest CPA networks in India. About 17500 affiliates have signed up with VComission.
  5. BigRock: It is one of the top domain and hosting seller in India. They have an affiliate program with high commission payouts.

Advantages of Affiliate Marketing:

  • It benefits merchants in a way that they have a wider market to sell their products.
  • Merchants can save the time as they do not have to search for potential customers.
  • Additional source of income for bloggers and owners. By placing the advertisement, they get instant sales wherein they get a commission.
  • The affiliate doesn’t need to worry about the customer support and e-commerce. Since the merchant handles it, the affiliates can just promote and sell the products.
  • Consumers that come from the affiliate’s site can provide important information about the latest trends.
  • You have to put in very little work to bring in a lot of potential cash.

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Disadvantages of Affiliate Marketing:

  • It is a long term business strategy. It takes awhile to get established.
  • False advertising on the affiliate’s website can destroy the reputation of merchant.
  • Risk of not getting paid. The merchant may simply leave and close down the program without paying the affiliate.
  • Some affiliates get less commission than what the merchant has actually promised.
  • False advertising about the logos, brands or trade names.
  • For taking leverage of affiliate program require large number of traffic to the website.
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Where to place the affiliate Ads?

  • Yes, the best recommended method to place an affiliate ads Ad is on the Blog or the website is on the landing page, once the viewer accesses the website they will be taken to the landing page and the Ads banner will be displayed on the website.
  • You can add it to the left or right or on the place where it will be displayed well so that before reading the contents the Ads can be seen, if the viewer will be interested in the product or any ad which you have placed then he will definitely, click on the Ads and check it out and you will be able to earn some handsome money.
  • You can also make use of the social media sites to get some more profits as you all know millions of people use the social media sites each and every day.

How to promote affiliate Ads?

  • Yes, we can promote the affiliate ads in many ways, to promote the Affiliate ads, you can use the landing pages or the social media sites, just make sure to have the relevant ads based on your blog which will be effective for the business.
  • You can also promote your websites or the blogs on the social media sites, so that they can click on the link and view the blog or the website and then they can view the Affiliate ads from the website as well.
  • As well we can use the sponsor Ads, by which we can place the Ads on the website which has more traffic and get some profit, however, we will have to pay for them to get the Ads displayed on their website.
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Affiliate marketing is a good way to earn with very little effort. You will need to find the products you want to promote, identify the audience needs, and adjust your website for affiliate marketing purpose. Even though affiliate marketing is not easy, it still present a world of opportunity to those who want to make the best skills and share their passion with the rest of the world.

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About the author

Akash Tonasalli is a Digital Marketer, Web Developer, SEO Analyst, Consultant and Trainer from Bengalore, Karnataka.