Most In Demand Digital Marketing Roles in India?

Most In Demand Digital Marketing Roles in India?

A Big Yes Guys! Let’s understand the significance of digital marketing.  Today, everyone is online. With access to data and smartphones, the number of people across the world who have access to the internet has increased exponentially. This means that if the companies want to connect with their customers, engage them, create brand awareness and sell products or services, they can easily do it through online means.

Indian internet users will reach almost 666 million by 2023 guys! A big number. So companies realize the importance of the internet as a channel of marketing. Online marketing is a cheaper method, with a higher reach; this is an extremely attractive point for companies as their aim is to connect with customers with the least amount of costs.

In the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses are relying on digital marketing now more than ever. According to Global Data, the growth of the Indian e-commerce market is pushing to ₹7 trillion by 2023 due to the lockdowns. Stores that didn’t even have a social media page, will now have to speed up their digital transformation and design a digital strategy to communicate with their customers.

The Growth of Digital Marketing

In the Indian internet industry alone digital Marketing carrier is going to worth $160 billion by 2025, according to a report. Many companies are transforming their focus from traditional marketing to digital marketing that some of the biggest ones are restructuring their marketing budget to shift their focus to digital.

Especially considering the current pandemic crisis, the job market will increasingly focus on digital and technology skills as it will enable them to work remotely. Thus, companies are in need of people who are skilled to handle digital marketing jobs. Where India appears to be taking a progressive digital approach in marketing, ahead of many brands all over with the most mature brands reporting significant benefits for digital marketing efforts.

A recent LinkedInreportshows that digital marketing jobs are one of the emerging careers in India since digitization is being adopted so widely in the country. As the younger generation is emerging in numbers, we see a large increase in social media usage by Indians.

Scope of Digital Marketing in Online Business:

  1. Professional Blogger:

Digital marketing professionals might choose full-time blogging as their career option. With hard work & dedication, many professionals are now successful bloggers in their niche. Bloggers can earn with advertising & affiliate marketing strategies. Almost all bloggers can earn in the range of $100 to $1000 per month with 1 to 2 years site. Celebrity bloggers earn at least $10,000 per month.

  1. Affiliate Marketing & AdSense:

Anyone can start their blog/website/app in a specific niche of their interest and initially work hard to build traffic & viewers. After generating enough traffic, you can earn well with AdSense & Affiliate marketing techniques. Most professionals develop small niche websites focusing on specific topics to generate quality traffic.

  1. Freelancing Services:

Freelancing is offering your services to clients as an individual. Sitting at your home/office you can build your clients all around. You’ll find many online freelancing services from or want to give like,, etc. are a great platform to start a freelancing career guys! Buck up…

Digital Marketing Consultant

  1. Start your own agency:

If you are experienced in managing a business & have resources, contacts. You can start your own digital marketing institute. With your agency, you can able to build marketing strategies for your clients and implement them with digital marketing. Here Get Set Go!!!

  1. Become a YouTuber:

You can also choose to become a YouTuber in a selected niche. Just need to focus on the quality of content and building your audience base on YouTube. Once you start getting views and subscribers, you can make money with YouTube monetization.

  1. Start Dropshipping business:

Here you can sell products online to customers without owning the inventory physically with you. In this business, you need to create an eCommerce site in Shopify and pick your products based on your research. Then you tie up your store with manufacturers and online retailers.

All the products are marked up with prices and when you sell a product, the manufacturer will directly deliver the product to the customer and you make a profit.

  1. Online Careers for Professionals/Students

Digital Marketing will open a door to many new online opportunities while studying or working in your present job. As per industry figures many digital marketers have built their personal brand by becoming an influencer in the picked niche. Students can also work part-time online for various digital marketing institutes.

How to Build a Digital Marketing Portfolio | What careers can you do with a digital marketing degree? | What is the scope of MBA in digital marketing?

About the author

Akash Tonasalli is a Digital Marketer, Web Developer, SEO Analyst, Consultant and Trainer from Bengalore, Karnataka.