Do You Know Latest YouTube Monetization Policy?

YouTube changed their monetization policy (Minimum 1000 Subscribers and Minimum 4000Hours Watch time should have your YouTube channel than only google will review your channel for monetization)

This policy is also applicable for existing YouTube channels also but those channels have to meet this policy on or before February 20, 2018.

For new channels also applicable new policies.

According to new policy if you count watch time daily basis it should be minimum 11Hr/Day.

4000 ÷ 365 = 10.95 (Approximately 11Hr Watching Time Per Day).

For subscribers minimum 3 Per Day.

1000 / 365 = 2.73 (3 Subscribers per Day).

YouTube monetization came out with new strict rule to avoid unwanted channels from monetization. By new policy more benefits for old channels that have more than 1000 subscribers and 4000 more than watch time. These channels can earn money more now because of new policy.

Because of this new policy it effects small channels in YouTube. Now started demonetizing small channels if they now achieve new policy before February 20, 2018 and its good news for bigger YouTube channels to make more money by placing more adds.

The new policy is hard to achieve for small channels, the previous policy was 10,000 total views to join the YouTube Partner Program (YPP) and start being monetizing YouTube channel.

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How to achieve 4000Hr Watch Time?

Start creating interesting videos with good content (Based on your channel meant for which topics) and for increasing hour time share your videos through different social media channels to reach your interesting audience.

Create a video like it feels to share on different platform.

How to achieve 1000 Subscribers?

Create good quality videos and upload into YouTube channel at the end of the video munition a statement please subscribe to our channel for future updates.

Make an introduction video of your YouTube channel and share among with social media platform and friends to subscribe to channel.

Planning to create new YouTube channel and how to achieve new policy within 12 months?

  1. Create a channel with a specific topic (Concentrate creating video on those topics).
  2. Make a video more interesting.
  3. Compare your videos with your competitor channels (Quality of video, sound and content).
  4. Understand your audience interest (They like which video more)
  5. Use cards and call to action button for asking subscription.
  6. Use annotation feature.


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About the author

Akash Tonasalli is a Digital Marketer, Web Developer, SEO Analyst, Consultant and Trainer from Bengalore, Karnataka.