SEO 2024

Why SEO is More Popular in 2024?

Digital marketing is emerging as the most powerful form of marketing in this current era. Now more than 4.66 billion internet users as has reported in 2020 therefore there is no doubt an immense potential for businesses to capitalize through online marketing. SEO thus becomes a means to draw this opportunity as the majority of the world’s web traffic is generated through Search engines.

Allover, 82% of people who implemented SEO strategies found it to be effective, while businesses spend on average 41% of their marketing budget invests in SEO.

  1. AI shows greater impact

Bidirectional Encoder Representations Transformers (BERT) has been emerging from a couple of years now, and we see this technology has potency for the future. Developed and promoted by Google in 2018, it is a neural network-based technique for NLP (Natural Language Processing) pre-training.

Additionally, 37% of businesses and organizations are already employing AI. The AI industry projected by 2025 to earn around $118 billion, the technology will definitely leave a lasting impact on SEO.

Through AI empowering your business, you are not only be able to create more powerful content but also buid your keyword research, optimize all digital platforms, and maximize link building opportunities.

  1. Build and improve on UX

User experience is the star of any product or hired service. In fact, 70% of online businesses fail due to bad user experiences, which is why UX testing must. This also means that giving an attractive and efficient UI (user interface) is also crucial.

Some major features to create the best user experience should possess:

  • Fast loading times
  • Users to explore seamlessly
  • Give Easy navigating interface facility.
  • Sufficient use of fonts, white space, and great-quality images
  • User-friendly URLs and sitemap
  • Terrific user dashboards for registered members & much more
  1. Get more from local SEO

When it comes to Digital Marketing, local SEO becomes very important, and local pop-ups are some of the most relevant for users who are looking for solutions they can consume. This allowed businesses to make advantage from local SEO.  Actually, mobile search for ‘open – now – near me’ has increased by 200%. And to rank it all off, around 4% of all searches on Google are local.

Follow some tips to start your local SEO:

  • Create a Google My Business Account
  • Optimize for mobile devices and voice search
  • Cash-in on local keywords
  • Make advantage of online business directories

Create content based on news stories, local events, and specific location places

  1. Implement the E.A.T concept

EAT: Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness. These features are also given in the Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines by Google.

Google mentions use of third-party Search Quality Raters that are spread out all over the web and highly trained to give feedback to help them know which changes make Search more useful.

Here are some tips for you to use this concept:

  • Generate documents with a professional expertise with regards to your industry, trade market, or niche
  • Get links from high authority domains
  • Hire experts and deliver content with facts that are relevant and checked for accuracy
  • Maintain content up to date
  • Get reviews and Wikipedia page
  • Showup your expertise to Google
  1. Know about structured data

Structures data is becoming increasingly important, and it permits your content to be better understood by search engines. Google provides you a Structured Data Testing Tool that you can utilise with the concept and start applying structured data for your website and landing pages.

This helps to produce rich results from your site or pages to appear on SERPs.

A rich result no doubt gets more spotlight and hence more attention from users which means that their CTRs also increase extremely.

Getting rich results from your domains being made available on the user’s side leaves a lasting impact on them and also help you gain authority in the heart of your niche market’s audience.

  1. Mobile-friendliness

According to mobile marketing statistics 52.6% of all website traffic is generated through mobile phones, while 61% are most likely to purchase from mobile-devices sites.

Further, it has been discovered that over 96% of people use on mobile.

Over 3.5 billion smartphone users are there around the Globe, it is obvious that you need your as website mobile friendly. Follow some tips:

  • High website speed
  • Make responsive website
  • Put simple web designs
  • Google’s Mobile-Friendly Testing tool you can use for further recommendations.
  1. Play with keywords

Neil Patel give you some solid reasons to use long tail keywords, and he mentions that they account for more than 70% of all web searches.

They can help you rank higher in the competition, plus they are how actually people use search on the internet. Long tail keywords offer facts to your content, and also support better conversion rates with an average of 36% conversion rate.

Some tips to finding long-tail keywords:

  • Use Google variations and suggestions as a source
  • Google related searches
  • Go for questions, specially optimize your content for how-to questions
  • You can also examine your analytics and search query reports for further insights
  • Browse topics on Wikipedia, eHow, and various Q&A sites

Digital Marketing Consultant

  1. Search intent takes eminence

According to a research use of search content led to a 677% increase in organic traffic for one of their core landing pages in just six months. It relates to the thing that they want to find, learn or make a purchase.

Whereas Google intends to offer the most appropriate result to user queries, as we already know that BERT and NLP are already emerging and improving themselves with the running of time. Students chose for assignment writing service already got this and are utilizing it to make their own queries online. The future of search is hence going to be greatly influenced by user intent or search intent.

  1. Terrific quality content

Content is the king! Whether it is in the written form, animated, design or uses video-audio format. Interactive content, with the use of infographics, are incredible traffic magnets. According to research, while 86% of B2C marketers consider content marketing their key strategy, 91% of B2B marketers use content marketing to reach customers,

Content marketing concentrates on the creation and distribution of relevant, consistent, and valuable content for audiences.

Some tips for you to follow:

  • Be original and avoid plagiarism
  • Answer to main queries
  • Keep content reader-friendly
  • Include visual to support the context of your content
  • Keep strong headlines and accurate facts from credible sources
  • Update already published content to keep it fresh
  1. Video marketing strategy

Videos in this internet era are probably the most popular media content consumed by online users now. According to statistics, YouTube has over a billion users, and 82% of Twitter users watch video content on Twitter. Out of 30 million active daily users, >1 billion videos are watched on YouTube every day. See how big the video market is.

To start video marketing strategies follow some bits of advice:

  • Upload tutorial or demo videos centered
  • Optimize videos with SEO content
  • Include good CTAs
  • Stay more informative and only slightly selling
  • Start of the video is the most important
  • End on a high note
  1. Voice search optimization

According to voice search statistics over 27% of the online population is using voice search on mobile. Over 111.8 million people in the US total population used voice search monthly and moreover more than half of all smartphone users are already in use with voice search technology.


Every business in the world with an online presence is running great and more improved SEO to grab more traffic and generate more leads. I hope the tips and guidelines will help you get things in order for your SEO department before you jump into the next year.

About the author

Akash Tonasalli is a Digital Marketer, Web Developer, SEO Analyst, Consultant and Trainer from Bengalore, Karnataka.