Google Tag Manager and Data Studio Training

google tag manager data studio

Google Tag Manager (GTM) is a new technology that allows digital marketers to manage their own analytics, user tracking, remarketing, and other website code. Learning GTM frees you from dependency on IT or web-developers; when administrators want to add or alter a snippet of analytics or tracking code, they can do it themselves, by adding it to an existing tag container.

What Will I Learn in Google Tag Manger?

  • All about GTM Tool
  • Implement Google Analytics and Other Tools with the help of GTM
  • Handle all scripts with GTM


  • Basic Knowledge of  Digital Marketing
  • Basic Knowledge of Analytics is Advantage if you know
  • If any Online Marketing strategies know means its advantage
  • Basic Knowledge of JavaScript (Not a Mandatory)

Who can Join GTM Course? 

  • Advantage for Web Developer/SEO Analyst /Digital Marketer
  • Planning to looking for carrier in Online Advertise Marketing
  • Any Graduate can join
  • Specially this course meant for online advertiser

Why to Choose Digital Akash

  • 1:1 Training
  • 100% Practical Session
  • 100% Tool Based Live Session
  • Support for Freelance Work
  • 100% Placement Support in any Metro City

GTM Training Modules

Module 1 : GTM Fundamentals
  • Benefits of Google Tag Manager (GTM)?
  • GTM Overview
  • Why to Implement GTM
  • Data Layer
  • Tags, triggers, and variables
  • Preview and  publish
  • How to Find CSS Selector(Type)
  • Container Activity
Module 2 : Basics of GTM Tracking
  • Creating a GTM container for Website/App
  • Installing Google Analytics with GTM
  • Upgrading to Global Analytics via GTM
  • Implementing Facebook Pixel, AdWords Conversion and other scripts code
  • Cross-domain Tracking
  • Tag Manager Injector
Module 3 : Tags, Triggers, and Variables
  • File Download Tracking
  • Link Tracking
  • Lead Generation Tracking
  • Transaction Tracking (E-commerce)
  • 404 Error Tracking
  • Tracking Clicks on HTML elements
  • Conversion Tracking
  • Form submission Tracking
  • Single Page Website Tracking
  • 404 error tracking
  • Types of Variables
  • How to Copy Tags
  • How to Apply Multiple Trigeer
Module 4 : Implement Different Tracking Scripts
  • General Strategy for Custom Tracking
  • Scroll Tracking
  • Tracking Embedded YouTube videos
  • Deploying 3rd-party Tracking Pixels and Scripts(Google Ads, Facebook and Hotjar etc)
  • Social Media Traffic Tracking
  • Understanding of DOM Element and Web Scraping
  • URL Re-Direction
  • How to Use Regular Expressions
  • Tag Assistance
Module 5 : Implement in Website using GTM
  • Schema Tags
  • Implement Breadcrumb Using GTM
  • Create Popup Message Using GTM
  • Implement Breadcrumb Using GTM
  • Change Website Content Using GTM
Module 6 : Implement Ecommerce Features with GTM
  • Custom dimensions & metrics
  • Enhanced Ecommerce (Online Transaction Tracking )
Module 7 : Interface Review
  • GTM folders
  • Exporting and importing containers
  • User Management
  • AMP Website Tracking with GTM
  • Approval Queue
  • Environment
  • How To Secure and Authencate GTM Account
  • GTM Template Option
Module 8 : Other GTM Factors
  • How to Get Job in GTM Domain as a GTM Expert
  • How to Get Freelance GTM Project
  • How to Update Latest Topics in GTM
  • Measurement Template Design

Google Data Studio Training Modules

Module 1: Basics of Google Data Studio
  • Introduction GDS
  • Benefits of Google Data Studio
  • How Google Data Studio Works
  • Principles of information perception
  • Data Studio Interface highlights
  • Dimensions and Measurements
  • How to Setup Google Data Studio
  • Prepare Basic Report
Module 2: Creating Reports
  • Connecting information sources, including Google Analytics, Search Console, Facebook and Google Sheets etc.
  • Visualizing your information inside Google Data Studio
  • Display Score Card
  • Using Filters with Data Studio
  • Year to Date, Month to Date and Other Key Calculations
  • Comparison to Previous Periods
  • Formatting Tables
  • Creating Pivot Tables

How can I contact you?

For more information contact
Name Akash
Contact +91-9901553321
Training Google Tag Manager and Data Studio
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Online Digital Marketing Training Program