Trade Mark

Top 20 Importance of trade mark


  1. Brand Recognition: Trademarks help in creating and maintaining brand recognition. A distinctive mark makes it easier for consumers to identify and choose a particular product or service.
  2. Consumer Trust: A trademark signifies the source and quality of a product or service. Over time, a strong and reliable brand builds consumer trust.
  3. Market Differentiation: Trademarks distinguish one company’s products or services from those of its competitors, helping businesses stand out in the market.
  4. Asset Value: Trademarks can become valuable assets for a business, especially if the brand gains popularity. They can be bought, sold, licensed, or used as collateral.
  5. Legal Protection: Trademarks provide legal protection against unauthorized use of similar marks. They offer the exclusive right to use the mark in connection with the specified goods or services.
  6. Global Protection: Trademarks can be registered internationally, providing protection in multiple countries and facilitating global expansion.
  7. Prevention of Confusion: Trademarks help prevent consumer confusion by ensuring that similar marks are not used for similar goods or services.
  8. Marketing Tool: Trademarks are effective marketing tools. A strong brand, represented by a trademark, can attract customers and drive sales.
  9. Online Presence: Trademarks are crucial in the digital age, where businesses operate online. They help in creating a unique online identity and protecting it from infringement.
  10. Investor Confidence: A registered trademark can instill confidence in investors, as it represents an investment in branding and the protection of intellectual property.
  11. Quality Assurance: Trademarks act as a symbol of quality. Consumers associate a trademark with a certain level of quality, and this can influence purchasing decisions.
  12. Exclusive Rights: Trademarks provide the owner with exclusive rights to use the mark, preventing others from using a similar mark for similar goods or services.
  13. Business Expansion: Trademarks make it easier for businesses to expand into new markets and introduce new products or services under a recognized brand.
  14. License Revenue: Trademark owners can generate revenue by licensing others to use their trademark in connection with authorized goods or services.
  15. Competitive Edge: A strong trademark can provide a competitive edge in the marketplace, helping a business to maintain and expand its market share.
  16. Credibility: Trademarks enhance the credibility of a business. Consumers are more likely to trust and choose products or services with a recognized and reputable trademark.
  17. Legal Recourse: Trademarks provide a legal basis for recourse in case of infringement. Owners can take legal action against those who use their mark without permission.
  18. Long-Term Value: Unlike other forms of intellectual property, trademarks can potentially last indefinitely if properly maintained and renewed.
  19. Employee Pride: Employees often take pride in working for a company with a well-known and respected trademark, contributing to a positive work culture.
  20. Customer Loyalty: Trademarks contribute to customer loyalty. Consumers are more likely to repeat purchases if they have positive experiences with a brand, reinforced by a trademark.

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How to Apply for trademark

  1. Preliminary Search:
    • Conduct a comprehensive search to ensure that the proposed trademark is not already in use or registered by someone else.
  2. Determine Eligibility:
    • Ensure that your mark qualifies for trademark protection. It should be distinctive and not generic or descriptive.
  3. Identify Goods/Services:
    • Clearly define the goods or services associated with your trademark. This is crucial for the application process.
  4. Create a Specimen of Use:
    • If your mark is already in use, prepare a specimen (e.g., label, packaging) to demonstrate how the mark is used in commerce.
  5. Choose Trademark Class:
    • Select the appropriate class or classes for your goods or services. Trademarks are categorized into different classes based on the type of products or services.
  6. Prepare Application:
    • Complete the trademark application form provided by the relevant intellectual property office. Include accurate information about the applicant, the mark, and its intended use.
  7. Submit the Application:
    • Submit the completed application to the appropriate trademark office. Pay the required filing fees.
  8. Receive Filing Receipt:
    • After submission, you’ll receive a filing receipt confirming that your application has been received.
  9. Examination Process:
    • The trademark office will examine your application to ensure it meets all requirements. This may include a review of the distinctiveness of the mark and a search for conflicting marks.
  10. Office Actions:
    • Respond promptly to any office actions, which are official communications from the trademark office requesting additional information or clarification.
  11. Publication:
    • If your application passes examination, it will be published in an official gazette to allow the public to oppose the registration.
  12. Opposition Period:
    • There is a set period during which third parties can oppose the registration of your trademark. If there are no oppositions, the process continues.
  13. Registration Certificate:
    • Once the opposition period is over, and there are no issues, you will receive a registration certificate. This confirms that your trademark is now officially registered.
  14. Maintain and Renew:
    • Regularly maintain and renew your trademark to ensure its ongoing protection. Trademarks typically need to be renewed periodically.

 Trade Mark Classes

Goods Classes

Class 1: Chemicals

Class 2: Paints, varnishes, and lacquers

Class 3: Cosmetics and cleaning preparations

Class 4: Lubricants and fuels

Class 5: Pharmaceuticals and medical products

Class 6: Common metals and alloys

Class 7: Machines and machine tools

Class 8: Hand tools and implements

Class 9: Scientific, nautical, and surveying equipment; software

Class 10: Surgical, medical, dental, and veterinary apparatus

Class 11: Apparatus for lighting, heating, and cooking

Class 12: Vehicles; apparatus for locomotion by land, air, or water

Class 13: Firearms; ammunition and projectiles; explosives

Class 14: Jewelry, precious metals, and horological instruments

Class 15: Musical instruments

Services Classes

Class 16: Paper goods and printed matter

Class 17: Rubber, asbestos, and plastic goods

Class 18: Leather and imitations of leather

Class 19: Building materials (non-metallic)

Class 20: Furniture and articles not otherwise classified

Class 21: Household or kitchen utensils and containers

Class 22: Ropes, cordage, nets, and tents

Class 23: Yarns and threads for textile use

Class 24: Textiles and textile goods

Class 25: Clothing, footwear, and headgear

Class 26: Fancy goods, lace, ribbons, and embroidery

Class 27: Floor coverings and wall hangings

Class 28: Games, toys, and sports equipment

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Services Classes (contd)

Class 29: Meat, fish, poultry, and game; meat extracts

Class 30: Coffee, tea, cocoa, and artificial coffee

Class 31: Agricultural and horticultural products

Class 32: Beers, mineral and aerated waters, and other non-alcoholic drinks

Class 33: Alcoholic beverages (except beers)

Class 34: Tobacco and smokers’ articles

Class 35: Advertising and business services

Class 36: Insurance and financial services

Class 37: Building construction and repair services

Class 38: Telecommunications services

Class 39: Transport and storage services

Class 40: Treatment of materials services

Class 41: Education and entertainment services

Class 42: Scientific and technological services; software development

Class 43: Services for providing food and drink

Class 44: Medical, beauty, and agricultural services

Class 45: Personal and social services


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About the author

Akash Tonasalli is a Digital Marketer, Web Developer, SEO Analyst, Consultant and Trainer from Bengalore, Karnataka.